How to Join
​The Tritons welcomes swimmers ages 5 and up. New swimmers should be able to swim a length of the pool (25m) on their front and back. There is no cost to trying it out for the first week.
New swimmers should contact head coach Hayden Adams - coachhayden@tritons.ca.
Inquiries about the registration process should be sent to the club registrar - registrar@tritons.ca.
Returning swimmers can use our Registration Portal to sign up for the new season.
Annual fees cover the full season of practices, September to June.
We are a not-for-profit organization, so our annual fees are intended to cover the expenses of pool rental, coaches' salaries, and other costs of running the club.
Swimmers are also required to purchase limited equipment (listed below) and there may be other small incidental fees associated with registration. Participation in competitive swim meets will entail additional costs.
Families are encouraged to apply for financial assistance from the town of Wolfville and/or the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program.
The club also has a modest bursary fund to provide partial financial assistance to young athletes who may otherwise not be able to afford to swim. To request support from the bursary fund, please contact the club registrar at registrar@tritons.ca
All required gear may be purchased through the Club at cost.
All Swimmers
Junior B
Also require:
Junior A and Senior
All of the above plus:
Hand Paddles
Pull buoy