Learn about the Wolfville Tritons Swim Club
Who can join the Wolfville Tritons Swim Club?
The minimum requirements to join the Tritons are:
Age 5 and up
Can swim a length of the pool (25m) on front and back
A desire to have fun!
Learn more on our Join page.
How do I join the Wolfville Tritons Swim Club?
To join the Tritons, contact the Head Coach or Registrar, or use our registration portal. To learn more, visit the Join page.
How much does it cost to be a Triton?
The annual cost depends upon the swimmer's level, plus equipment and optional meet fees.
The costs can be found on our Join page.
What are the different levels of swimmer?
Swimmers move through the levels as they progress ability and speed:
Novice is for beginner swimmers
Intermediate swimmers have proven ability in all 4 strokes and can meet a time standard
Juniors are swimmers who can meet the time standard; Junior A swimmers are serious competitive swimmers, while Junior B swimmers do similar work but with less time commitment
Senior is the most advanced group for competitive swimmers
Masters are for adult swimmers who swim for fun, fitness and perhaps competition
Learn more on our Programs page.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment depends upon the swimmer’s training level and varies slightly year to year. In general, however, the commitments are:
Novice: 3 one-hour sessions/week
Intermediate: 4 one-hour sessions/week
Junior B: 4-5 sessions/week
Junior A: 6 sessions/week
Senior: 8 sessions/week
Masters: 3 sessions/week
What gear do I need?
All swimmers require:
Junior B swimmers also need:
Junior A and senior swimmers need the above plus:
Hand Paddles
Pull buoy
All gear can be purchased through the club.
How long is the swimming season?
The swimming season runs from September to June. Tryouts happen in August, but you can join at any time (space permitting).
Who coaches the Tritons?
The head coach is Hayden Adams, a former Triton with experience competing in major events such as the Canada Games, Senior Nationals, CIS Swimming Champtionships. He is assisted by several assistant coaches. To learn more, visit the About page.
Do I have to compete?
No, you do not have to compete. Participation in swim meets is entirely optional, but even the most hesitant swimmers tend to get hooked after competing in their first meet. There are usually 5 meets in the season involving swim clubs from across the province, one of which is held at the Acadia pool.
Who runs the Tritons?
The Tritons is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors, and a paid Head Coach supported by experienced volunteer Assistant Coaches.
Where do the Tritons meet?
The Wolfville Tritons Swim Club meets in the Olympic-sized pool in the Acadia University Athletics Complex.